Full Throttle Vs. Rock Star
Full Throttle is brain juice. I didn't used to be an energy drink whore, but after a while I couldn't get enough of it . . . to the point that my heart may very well have exploded some morning as I sat in front of my monitor trying to save the world (okay, writing code, but saving the world looks better on my karma resumé). But at least I could die with a happy Full-Throttled brain. I gave up nicotine GDit, but you would have had to pry Full Throttle from my cold dead
hands... At least I felt that way until I was introduced to Rock Star. SWEET BRAIN NECTAR. The vending machine down the hall from my office ONLY has Rock Star, and although I felt a small betrayal to Full Throttle in the recesses of my soul, me brain just needed the juice. I freely admit that over the course of the past six months I have been converted to the church of Rock Star.
That being said, I still hold a very special place in my heart for Full Throttle and to the confoundment of my loyalties, it was on a recent vacation that I came upon a vending machine that sold BOTH Full Throttle and Rock Star
. . . It was then that I understood the duality of Batman.
Summary movie quote:
Charlie Mackenzie: Dad, how can you hate "The Colonel"?
Stuart Mackenzie: Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it nightly, smartass!
— So I Married and Axe Murderer
**Not for use by amatures
The results of my experiment with the latter brain nectar will only be remembered by the Munz and will be further referrenced to as: "The Rockstar Incident"
thank you.
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