Saturday, May 05, 2007

Feliz Cinco De Mayo, Zanganos

El Zángano es el macho de la abeja reina;
carece de aguijón y no labra miel.
Por lo tanto en terminos humanos,
se le dice Zángano al holgazán,
el que no hace nada y lo mantienen.


Your Mom said...

The Zángano is the male one of the queen bee; lacks sting and does not work honey. Therefore in terminos
human, him is said Zángano al lazy, the one that does not do anything and they maintain it.

So, hence a celebration to do nothing ?

Munny said...


Carrot said...

Quisiera desgastar su cara como sombrero. Venido a mi partido y nosotros bailará como gerbils salvajes en la lluvia.

Your Mom said...

It wanted to erode its face as hat. It come to my party and we will dance as gerbils wild in the rain.

Sounds like a party Brindy might enjoy, yes? I might too, no?

Brindy said...

Could someone please translate, Brinders no habla espaniol!