Thursday, September 27, 2007

Come on ladies...

VIOH is not a competition.
We do it for the love.
The love of one another.
The love of warped senses of humor.
The love of Hoff, YouTube, and animated gifs and Todd.
The love of humanity itself with all its quips and inperfections that we poke and laugh at.

So, just remember why we get up in the morning,
put on our pants, drink our coffee, and consume amphetimines...
to make the world a better place
one significant post at a time.

I love you bitches,
and GVo, I hope you had a killer bdiddems.
Keep the dream alive.
Peace be with you.


Unknown said...

And by "Todd," you mean... "Todd"? I get to share a sentence with the Hoff? Man, I'm blushing all the way down to my red Speedos!

Carrot said...

Of course. We're flipping a coin right now to see which one will get to ask you to marry us...

Anonymous said...

Carrot said...
Of course. We're flipping a coin right now to see which one will get to ask you to fuck us...
Jeez carrot, you're ahead of yourself!you slut