Sunday, October 28, 2007

Where'd We All GO??!?!?!!


Carrot said...

I think the GAZstapo put Brindy under house arrest [sniffle] ... I haven't chatted her in weeks [whimper] ... it's so dark and lonely in here [SOB] ...

Brindy said...

Yea, something happened to me ichat, where my password won't work and I cannot login to talk to my buddies.
THY SUCKETH!!!!!!!!!
I have been procrastinating about blogging because I want to make the next 5 posts extra fancy since they are the last 5 til 100. This is probably meaningless to you two in the double hundred club, but it means quite a bit to Brinders.

Stay tuned....

oh, yea, and I love and miss you ladies bunches!